In 1892,
entrepreneur Harry W. Child, with partners Silas S. Huntley,
L.H. Hershfield, Aaron Hershfield, and others, established
the Yellowstone National Park Transportation Company to provide
stagecoach travel in the Park. In 1901 Child, Huntley, and
E.W. Back purchased the stock of the Yellowstone Park Association
to consolidate their control of the concessions. Later that
year, Huntley died, leaving Child to control both companies.
Child also operated Child & Anceny with C. L. Anceny;
that business dealt in real estate and cattle ranching. In
1909 Child, his wife Adelaide D. Child, and their son Huntley
Child reorganized the Yellowstone National Park Transportation
Company into its constituent parts, the Yellowstone Park Transportation
Company and the Yellowstone Park Hotel Company.
In 1930,
Harry's wife Adelaide, then living in La Jolla, California,
sold Oro Fino Terrace to Helenan T. H. MacDonald.
Child died in 1931, and his son-in-law William M. Nichols
took over the operation of the Yellowstone Park concessions.
Yellowstone Park Company continued to operate until the United
States Government purchased all associated property of the
company and their lease to operate was terminated in 1980.
In her
later years in Helena, Adelaide Child donated $18,000 to remodel
the disused Unitarian Church at Park and Lawrence into the
Helena Public Library. This building is now the Grandstreet
Theatre. She also donated to St. Peter's Hospital, and a building
on the old St. Peter's Logan Street campus was named in her